Allan Saxe Obituary News: Arlington Texas Man and Former UTA Professor and North Texas Philanthropist Has Died

Allan Saxe, a well-known former University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) professor and beloved North Texas benefactor, has died. Saxe, an American political scientist, author, lecturer, radio commentator, and professor emeritus of political science, had a long and influential career at UTA, where he taught from 1965 before retiring. Despite his retirement, Saxe continues to contribute his opinions on WBAP radio.

About Allan Saxe

Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Saxe received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Oklahoma in 1969. His early life was defined by a fight with polio, which kept him bedridden for several months and eventually hampered his ability to drive. Despite these hurdles, Saxe made great intellectual and professional successes.

Saxe wrote “Politics of Arlington, Texas: An Era of Continuity and Growth” and co-authored “American Government: A Core Approach.” His research work has also been published in numerous political publications and magazine articles.

Honors and awards

His passion to teaching garnered him significant accolades, including a 4.5 out of 5 rating on Rate My Professors, as well as multiple prizes for educational excellence. Notably, in 1972, he received the UTA Chancellor’s Council Award (previously the Amoco Award), and in 1986, 2007, and 2008, he got the Gertrude Golladay Memorial Award for Outstanding Teaching in the College of Liberal Arts.

Aside from academia, Allan Saxe was actively interested in charity, contributing to a variety of community projects and activities throughout North Texas. His generosity and dedication to public service.

By eqlise

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