Florian Willfort

Florian Willfort CEOCP Cause of Death Houston, TX: Office Engineer at HENSEL PHELPS, Florian Willfort dies suddenly

Florian Willfort passed away in Vienna, Austria. Florian was a Houston, Texas, resident. Both Florian’s social and professional networks are mourning his passing. His architectural background, which brought together his technical expertise with a keen eye for detail and design, supported his employment in technical sales engineering.

Vienna, Austria was Florian Willfort’s birthplace; he moved to Houston, Texas, for work. Florian attended Texas Tech University to study architecture. He worked as an office engineer at HENSEL PHELPS, a project intern at Austin Commercial, and a technical sales engineer at WEH Technologies Inc. His work at WEH Technologies was marked by dedication, professionalism, and an unwavering quest of perfection. As a technical sales engineer, Florian made a significant contribution to the company’s success by developing innovative solutions, providing clients with exceptional service, and generating outcomes.

“My heart is broken, and I am at a loss for words.” Florian Willfort, you are going to be terribly missed. The world has lost a remarkable person. I wish I could give you another hug and express my eternal pride in you! I wish we could have given you more light in your life because you were a true light in this one. We will always grin and tell you tales of all the experiences we have had. Love you always, CEOCP. Courtney

Dear Florian Willfort, I adore you. The depth of my anguish at this young man’s passing is beyond words. My sincere sympathies are with his family and loved ones during this very trying time. Peace be with you, Flo. We shall really miss you. CEOCP! Aidan

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